Visiting a Baby in the NICU

NICU Visits Centennial Hills Hospital

When visiting a baby in the NICU, we ask that you do the following:

  • Wash your hands well before entering the NICU. This helps control infection.
  • If you are ill, please do not enter the NICU except under unusual situations. If you must enter, please wear the mask that staff will provide.
  • Limit the number of NICU visitors. We ask that a maximum of two people be in the NICU with your baby at a time.
  • Keep voices and noise to a minimum, as newborns are very sensitive.
  • If you are asked to leave the NICU in the event of an emergency on the unit, please follow instructions.

Turn Off Cell Phones

Please turn off your cell phone before entering the NICU and observe other no-cell areas in the hospital. Cell phone transmissions can interfere with delicate electronics in medical equipment. Seen and unseen electrical sparks are highly dangerous near oxygen tanks and tubes. Also, the ringing of cell phones is disturbing to NICU babies' extra-sensitive ears.

Keep it Private

Privacy is a priority, but in an open unit such as the NICU, it is more challenging. Please do not ask us about other babies. Their health information is private. There is a secluded area for you and your baby and we encourage you to use it when available. We also have one private breastfeeding room. All conversations about your baby's condition should happen where other parents can't hear.

Siblings in the NICU

Brothers and sisters older than two years of age are encouraged to visit their new sibling in the NICU between 5:00 pm and 5:30 pm. Talk with your baby's nurse about arranging visits. Be sure that brothers and sisters do not have colds and that they wash their hands at the washing station provided. Because the risk of infection is so high in NICU babies, we request that only blood relatives under the age of 16 visit. People who are older than 16 who are not blood-relatives are welcome as one-time guests.